SOCHI Winter Festival

February 16th, 2018


Masterclass in composition (16-23 February)


REGULATIONS III International Musical Academy of Winter International Arts Festival in Sochi Composition Department

Period: February 2018, from 16th to 23th

Place: City of Sochi, Russia

GENERAL PROVISIONS of International Academy of Youth Composers

Within International Musical Academy of Winter International Arts Festival in Sochi will work Composition Department. As part of Composition Department will be held number of educational events, containing master-classes, courses, lectures of outstanding professors and art people in musical society, concert performances. The Academy is held by the Organizers with the aim of searching, supporting and educating gifted musicians from all around the world. The Academy is held according to the regulation rules about the International Academy of Youth Composers. Participation at the academy means full and clear agreement with state rules.

Organizers and partners of the Academy Holding of the Academy, preparations and organization is made by Winter International Arts Festival in Sochi (hereinafter WIAFS), artistic director – Yuri Bashmet, executive director – Dmitriy Grinchenko. Artistic director of Composition Department – Alexander Tchaikovsky

Period and place of holding: The academy is held from 16 to 23 of February 2018 in the city of Sochi. Date of arrival in Sochi is 15th of February 2018, departure is on 24th of February 2018.

Terms of holding the Academy: The Academy is held according to the following classes and with participation of below mentioned professors:

Alexander Tchaikovsky (Russia) — Artistic Director of Composition Department, composer, People's Artist of Russia, head of Composer department of Moscow state P. I. Tchaikovsky conservatory, professor

Kuzma Bodrov (Russia) — composer, associate professor of Moscow state P. I. Tchaikovsky conservatory

Tanonov Anton (Russia) — composer, Head of Composition Department of Saint Petersburg Conservatory Patrick de Clerck (Belguim) – composer and professor, General Director of “Music project for Brussels”; Oscar Bianchi (Italy) – composer, laureate of international competitions Valery Voronov (Belarus/Germany) – composer, conducts workshops of composition and orchestration in Blackmore International Music Academy in Berlin, Hamburg and St. Blasien Special master-classes within the Academy will be held by the following musicians: Alvin Singleton (USA) – composer, Visiting Professor of Composition at the Yale University School of Music, USA

Preliminary program:

15 February Participants’ arrival, meeting with professors, schedule confirmation

16 – 23 February Lessons with professors, creating of team graduation work

While studying at the Academy students have to compose a set of obligatory works: Music work for solo viola of for viola and piano Music works for one of Russian folk instruments (balalaika, domra, bayan) solo or with piano Music and literary work with lyrics of one of the poets - participants of Poets Tournament and/or participants of Poetry Academy of WIAFS Musical piece for chamber orchestra with piano (piano trio, quartet or quintet)

23 February Concert at the Chamber and Organ Music hall Gala-closing of the Academy. Presenting the diplomas

24 February
Departure of participants


2.1. The academy is opened for youth composers from Russia, Europe and other foreign countries aged from 16 to 32 years on the period of attendance (01.02.2018). 2.2. Lessons in frames of Academy are free of charge for students who passed selection. 2.3 The list of participants is based on competition. 2.4. Academy participants should arrive in Sochi according to the terms specified in the invitation from Winter International Arts Festival. 2.5. The cost of travelling to and back from Sochi, accommodation in Sochi for the period of the Academy for the participants and accompanying persons back are born by the participants of the Academy or the contributing party. 2.6. Academy participants are bound to take part in the events (concerts, lessons, etc).  2.7. Candidates for the open lessons and concert will be selected by professors of the Academy. 2.8. The concert and lessons programs will be selected from the list of pieces indicated in the application forms of the participants. 2.9. All pieces must be played by musicians by heart. 2.10. Organizers are responsible to provide concertmasters for the participants of the Academy for the whole period of their staying in Sochi in frames of Academy 2.11. Organizers of the Festival and the Academy reserve the right to establish different scholarships for the most talented young musicians who participate in the Academy. 2.12. All lessons in frames of Academy are opened with possibility for the audience to present at master-classes and concert as a listener. 2.13. Organizers are responsible for educational and cultural program 2.14. If required, the organizers will apply for the necessary documents to obtain the working VISA for the musician. Participant will send to the AGENCY all the necessary documents to obtain the VISA. All visa service charges as well as visa costs are paid by participant. 2.15. Academy students have possibility to get the Entry pass for all events of Winter International Arts Festival free of charge. The Entry Pass is a property of Winter International Arts Festival. Holding Entry Pass to the third party is strongly prohibited. Entry Pass gives the rights to visit concerts in frames of Festival without seat conferment. 2.16. If required, organizers will book the hotel for participants by special price of Winter International Arts Festival. 2.17. Organizers don’t cover any medical insurance for the participants and accompanying persons. For all injuries suffered by participants and accompanying persons, loss and damage of property during the Academy, the organizers are not liable.
2.18. The participants of the Academy and their legal representatives, through their participation, confirm that they have no medical contraindications for participation in the Academy.

  1. Authors’ rights

Condition of participation in the Academy is the conclusion with the Winter International Arts Festival performers of the relevant musical works free of license agreements (article 1308 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation), containing the indication that the use of objects of related rights created in connection with participation in the Academy, the parties of the contract have agreed to apply Russian law. In all other cases, not stipulated in this Regulation and relevant use of rights to results of intellectual activity, organizers and participants of the Academy are guided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Academy students give their consent to the filming of master-classes, concerts and other activities of Academy with the possibility of further usage of materials for the creation of TV programs. In all other cases not covered by these Regulations and regarding the use of rights to the results of intellectual activity, the organizers and participants of the Academy are guided by the civil law of Russian Federation.

  1. Application Procedure

To participate in the Academy, one must complete the application form on website of the Winter International Arts Festival In Sochi: or apply the hardcopies to the address below no later than 29 of January 2018:

Direction of the Winter International Arts Festival In Sochi Bolshaya Nikitskaya street 22/2, office 56 Russia 125009 Moscow Tel/Fax:: +7 (495) 212 1565?E-mail:

The application form should be sent together with the following documents:? - one digital photo – not less than 300 dpi/2Mb by size (portrait-type, neutral background,  artistically performed);?- a copy of passport or any other ID-card (the pages with photograph and personal signature are required)?- a brief artistic biography (1200 to 1300 characters); - scores (2-3 pieces on choice), widely representing the creativity portrait of the composer - link for the recording if available - a permission for processing the applicant’s personal data (in a free form, signed by applicant)

The application and accompanying documents will not be returned. The application, executed with violation of requirements will not be considered. All participants and accompanying persons must have an insurance policy of obligatory medical insurance. The final list of participants of the Academy, as a result of the competitive selection, will be announced not later than 5 of February 2018.

  1. Final provisions In the event of a dispute in interpreting the terms and conditions of participation in the Academy contained hereunder, the Russian text shall be considered as the only correct text. 

  2. Contact details

Direction of the Winter International Arts Festival In Sochi Bolshaya Nikitskaya street 22/2, office 56 Russia 125009 Moscow Tel/Fax:: +7 (495) 212 1565?E-mail: Contact person: Valeria Bekarevich (Management of the Winter International Arts Festival In Sochi) Anastasia Minaeva (coordinator of Composition Department)